Strawberry Shortcake

strawberry shortcake

By: Susan Joy

A no-fuss delicious and moist strawberry shortcake that the whole family will love. It’s perfect for afternoon tea or as a dessert served with vanilla coconut yoghurt or dairy-free cream. When strawberries are out of season, you might like to add diced apple into the cake mixture and sprinkle the top with cinnamon (see notes at the end).  Continue reading “Strawberry Shortcake”

7 Things to Say to Boost Your Child’s Self Esteem

self esteem child

By: Dr Justin Coulson

Self-esteem means liking who you are, and feeling like you’re “ok”. Having high levels of self-esteem is correlated with better outcomes in life – especially for our children. Kids with high self-esteem are more satisfied with life, have better relationships, do better in school, and are physically and mentally healthier. But this doesn’t mean that self-esteem causes these things. In fact, it could be the other way around: these things might cause self-esteem! Continue reading “7 Things to Say to Boost Your Child’s Self Esteem”